Page 4 - Putech Composites Dergisi Mayıs Haziran Sayısı
P. 4

If any requ red d erent and spec al appl cat ons, Instant and prec se response..

Shoe / Sole- Sandals  Automot ve  Art f c al Leathe Paste  Plast cs F n sh ng                           Text le

Polyurethane . PVC . Shoes / Sl ppers / Sole Colorants (Masterbatches) . L qu d sprey colorants . Ready use lacquers . Release Agents . Mould Cleaners . Sole wash ng and clean ng chem cals
   Thermo plast cs and thermo set polyurethanes . Furn ture and decorat on appl cat on . All var ety of ex ble and r g d appl cat ons w th self or two components on based Polyurethane.
                                 f rnuture and decorat on appl cat on Floor Cover ng , solat on Adhes ve and Sealant appl cat ons. f lter productıon.
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